MS Quest - 50 Guests
Expedition Svalbard
12 Day Longyearbyen to Longyearbyen

Join a once-in-a-lifetime adventure through the magnificent wildernesses of Svalbard!

In July the summer has arrived, the midnight sun reigns supreme and the purple saxifrage decorates the slopes. The ice is slowly starting to loosen its grip, which offers good opportunities to explore the seldom visited eastern parts of the archipelago. Whales are more frequently seen in the waters and more and more snowfree areas become accessible for longer walks. With ten nights on board we have plenty of time for grand nature experiences.

Autumn arrive in late August. The tundra is shifting in autumn colours and the midnight sun is getting closer and closer sun is closer to the horizon, preparing for the polar night, giving us beautiful sunsets and a warm light, perfect for photography.

On Jul 09,2024 Departure We are proud to present Doug Allan, award-winning polar photographer and cameraman, as special lecturer on this voyage.




  • Departure 09,2024 Cameraman Doug Allan as Special Lecturer
  • Experience the Arctic summer
  • A true Arctic adventure
  • 10 nights on board M/S Quest
  • Small group - great moments
  • 5-star nature experiences


Rates are listed per person in USD. Promotional offers are not reflected in the rates below.
Start DateEnd DateTriple cabinTwin cabinTwin cabin PlusDouble cabinDouble cabin SuperiorOwner's cabin
Jul 02, 2025Jul 13, 20258,79010,69011,29011,29012,29013,290
Jul 12, 2025Jul 23, 20258,79010,69011,29011,29012,29013,290
Jul 22, 2025Aug 03, 20258,79010,69011,29011,29012,29013,290
Aug 11, 2025Aug 22, 20258,79010,69011,29011,29012,29013,290
Aug 21, 2025Sep 01, 20258,79010,69011,29011,29012,29013,290
Rates are listed per person in USD. Promotional offers are not reflected in the rates below.
Start DateEnd Date(Starting from)
Triple cabin
Double cabin
Owner's cabin
Jul 02, 2025Jul 13, 20258,79011,29013,290
Jul 12, 2025Jul 23, 20258,79011,29013,290
Jul 22, 2025Aug 03, 20258,79011,29013,290
Aug 11, 2025Aug 22, 20258,79011,29013,290
Aug 21, 2025Sep 01, 20258,79011,29013,290


Day 1: Longyearbyen, Svalbard
We arrive in Longyearbyen and transfer to our hotel.

Day 2 - 11: Expedition cruising
We start our great adventure in Svalbard by exploring Longyearbyen. In the afternoon we embark the expedition ship and sail out through the spectacular Isfjorden - the Arctic expedition has started! We are now in a part of the world where we are totally dependent on the ice and weather conditions. Our exact itinerary depends on these factors and on the wildlife we encounter. Our ambition is to head out on Zodiac cruises every day and when the opportunity arises also go ashore. Here are some examples of places we may visit:

Northwest Spitsbergen
The scientific village of Ny-Ålesund is situated in Kongsfjorden. It was from here that Amundsen and Nobile started their heroic expeditions to the North Pole. Two other courageous attempts to reach the North Pole started on the island of Danskøya. Swedish explorer Andrée made an attempt with a hydrogen balloon and American journalist Wellman started with an airship. There are still interesting remnants from these expeditions left on this site.

Magnificent fjords
Svalbard offers the visitor countless spectacular fjords. During our journey we will explore a few of them such as: Liefdefjorden, meaning “The fjord of love”, is lined with snow-covered mountain peaks and here we hope to cruise along the face of the spectacular Monaco Glacier. Many common eiders and pinkfooted geese nest in the area. In Krossfjorden we revel in the beautifully sculptured front of the 14th of July Glacier to the raucous greeting of the large number of kittiwakes and Brünnich’s guillemots nesting on the nearby cliffs. Raudfjorden is an area of immense natural beauty – dominated by beautiful glaciers. It is also a favourite spot for seals and the bird cliffs are bursting with activity.

Hinlopen Strait and Alkefjellet
If the ice allows we enter Hinlopen Strait. Here is Alkefjellet, an impressive, basaltic cliff, which is the home to an estimated 200 000 Brünnich’s guillemots. We may also continue into the beautiful bay Palanderbukta on Nordaustlandet.

Eastern Svalbard
The island of Nordaustlandet is covered by an enormous ice cap and fascinates naturalists as well as historians. There are huge glacier fronts here, intersected by hundreds of waterfalls. Barentsøya and Edgeøya offer magnificent landscapes and vast tundra. Chances to encounter walruses, Arctic fox and Svalbard reindeer are good here.

Southwest Spitsbergen
The grand fjords of Hornsund offer spectacular glaciers and a breathtaking landscape of towering mountain peaks, often reaching above the clouds. On a clear day we can see the summit of the highest mountain Hornsundtind, measuring 1431 meters. Hornsund is a favourite haunt for some of Svalbard’s polar bears and bearded seals are often seen resting on the fjord ice.

Day 12: Longyearbyen
Early morning we disembark our expedition ship and begin our journey back home.

All itineraries are for guidance only. Our exact route will depend on ice, weather conditions, wildlife and government regulations. The places mentioned are just examples of some of the many sites Svalbard has to offer. We always strive to maximise your experience. Please remember that flexibility is the key to a successful expedition!

MS Quest (Expedition, 50-guests)

M/S Quest takes 53 passengers and all 26 cabins are outside cabins with private facilities. The triple cabins have upper and lower berths. All other cabins have two lower berths or a double bed. In your cabin you find a desk with a chair and a cupboard for storage. The superior cabins are spacious and have armchairs and TV. The owner's cabin has a double bed, two large picture windows, a separate seating area and TV.

(Click image to view Ship details)


  • 10 nights on board M/S Quest
  • 1 night in a hotel in Longyearbyen
  • Lunch day 2
  • All meals on board
  • Coffee and tea
  • An experienced Expedition Leader and knowledgeable guides
  • Doug Allan as Special Lecturer*
  • Guiding ashore and talks on board
  • All excursions and activities
*On Jul 09,2024 Departure

Not included
  • Flight to/from Longyearbyen
  • Travel and cancellation insurance
  • Gratuity to the ship’s crew
  • Personal expenses such as bar and shop charges
We offer additionally Flights
We offer group flights from Oslo to Longyearbyen with return (limited availability). Contact us for more information!


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DISCLAIMER: Rates are per person and subject to change.