- Guests
Longyearbyen to Longyearbyen

From close-up encounters with icebergs and glaciers to the region's plentiful wildlife, this is a voyage of non-stop highlights. Always on the lookout for wildlife that live in this polar wilderness, you'll explore this landscape not only by ship but also on foot and via Zodiac. Roaming polar bears, lounging seals, grazing reindeer, and colonies of birds all co-exist in this harsh land we dare only to explore a few months of the year.




From close-up encounters with icebergs and glaciers to the region’s plentiful wildlife, this is a voyage of non-stop highlights. Always on the lookout for exotic animals, you’ll explore this landscape not only by ship but also on foot and via Zodiac. Roaming polar bears, lounging seals, grazing reindeer, and colonies of birds all co-exist in this harsh land we dare only to explore a few months of the year.

  • Spend time on deck searching for polar bears and whales
  • Cruise through breathtaking fjords and admire massive glaciers
  • Experience the midnight sun
  • Learn about Arctic history and ecology from our expert guides
  • Brave the Arctic waters and take a polar plunge
  • Enjoy the silence of the Arctic tundra


Rates are listed per person in USD. Promotional offers are not reflected in the rates below.
Rates are listed per person in USD. Promotional offers are not reflected in the rates below.


When arranging your transportation, such as flights, please take into consideration the below time restrictions for joining and departing from your group. With these times, we have taken into account travel time to/from the airport in the given destination and required time for check-in or baggage collection/immigration.
  • Your flight must arrive by or before: 2:00 pm on Day 1
  • Your flight must depart no earlier than: 2:30 am on Day 8
NOTE - On the June 13 departure, the ship will embark at 10 pm to accommodate passengers arriving into Longyearbyen on the afternoon flight from Oslo.

Day 1: The Journey begins
Location: Longyearbyen / Spitsbergen

Transfer from Longyearbyen to the G Expedition for a late afternoon embarkation.

Please make sure you drop your checked luggage off at the meeting point between 9am - 12pm. A local representative will be in the luggage storage room. They can provide general information about the town or your embarkation process.

All passengers will be transferred to the ship as a group for embarkation at 4pm. Please ensure that for embarkation you have your passport accessible (not in your luggage which is being transferred separately to the ship).

Arrival Day
Begin your adventure today. There are no planned activities so feel free to explore or rest up for the excitement ahead.

Embarkation of the G Expedition - 16:00 Afternoon
In the afternoon, join your fellow passengers to take your group transfer and begin your journey on the G Expedition. Please refer to your welcome letter or the joining instructions posted in the lobby of the start hotel. Make sure you have your passport handy as you are about to embark on the adventure of a lifetime.

Local bus - Longyearbyen
Transfer by local bus from the meeting point in the city to the port.

Meals included:| Dinner

Day 2-7: Explore
Location: Spitsbergen

This voyage is spent travelling in the world in which the polar bear survives. Our wildlife viewing opportunities are enhanced by exploring as many remote areas as possible. Spotting wildlife like the arctic fox, Svalbard reindeer, and land or sea birds can be difficult, but well worth the effort. Ice and weather conditions permitting we can explore near sea ice, through fjords that lead to glaciers and icebergs, and discover bird nesting colonies, all from the platform of the ship. Alternatively, hop in a Zodiac to explore more closely, or be brought to land to visit historical sites and experience the tundra. We are always on the lookout for wildlife, ranging from endangered and rare polar species to sea mammals and birds. And, of course, we'll have our eyes peeled for polar bears - they can be found all throughout this region, but finding them can require patience and persistence. Come join us in the search!

Early-season voyages often provide the greatest opportunity to see large ice floes in the Arctic pack ice, which usually means excellent wildlife viewing. Later in the season, the group can cover more territory, which may allow the chance to explore the entire archipelago. This can lead into the less explored regions of Nordaustlandet and Kvitøya, or the continental edges where large whales are attracted by nutrient rich upwellings.

Each day will be planned to take advantage of local ice and weather conditions. Distances are relatively short in the Archipelago and as there are no ocean crossings, the seas are normally calm. During these six days visit ice covered seas, fjords with breathtaking mountain scenery and glaciers flowing into the sea.

Possibility to cruise in Zodiacs along the ice edge viewing seals or walrus, in fjords with glaciers spilling down to the sea or in front of spectacular seabird cliffs.

The evening of our last full day of adventure will find the expedition ship anchored off Longyearbyen.

Zodiac Excursion (Arctic)
Jump into a Zodiac, and head out to explore. Keep an eye out for wildlife. The expert Expedition staff will teach the group about the flora and fauna along the way. This activity depends on weather and ice conditions.

Arctic Lectures and Educational Programs
Attend lectures hosted throughout the day on anything from local wildlife to the history and exploration of the Arctic.

Meals included: Breakfast | Lunch | Dinner

Day 8: Journey Home
Location: Spitsbergen/Longyearbyen

On the departure day, there will be transfers available to the Longyearbyen airport for all passengers with flights scheduled.

After disembarkation at approximately 8:00am, you will be transferred to either the airport or the Radisson Blu Polar hotel, depending on the time of your flight. Those transferred to the hotel will have an opportunity to explore the town centre on their own, and then be transferred to the airport later in the day as per flight schedules. Transfer times will be confirmed, and communicated onboard prior to departure. Luggage storage at the Raddison Blu Polar hotel will be available until time of departure.

We are pleased to offer an early morning disembarkation and transfer to the airport for those passengers with flights departing Longyearbyen around 2:30am (dependent on airline schedules).

Meals included: Breakfast

Location: Spitsbergen/Longyearbyen

(Click image to view Ship details)


  • 7 nights aboard the G Expedition
  • Arrival transfer
  • Zodiac excursions with our expert expedition team
  • Lectures and educational programs
  • Insulated, Waterproof boots supplied for USA size 6 - 16
  • Expedition parka


Aboard the G Expedition in quad-, triple-, twin-share cabins, or suites (all with en suite bathrooms and porthole or window, 7 nights). Please note that all cabins consist of twin-size berths and are ocean-facing. Suites have one queen-size bed.

7 breakfasts, 6 lunches, 7 dinners
Allow USD25-35 for meals not included. Drinks and tips on board not included.


G Expedition, Zodiac, private bus.

Staff & experts

One Expedition team member per 10 guests.

  • Kayaking: USD 699 per person (Offered on select departures)


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DISCLAIMER: Rates are per person and subject to change.